OurLegal Documents

At Bryte, we act with integrity, ethically and in compliance with prevailing laws and regulations. Our clients have instant and comprehensive access to all legal information and documents pertaining to our business. It’s another way we help shine the light of understanding onto complexities in order to help our customers prepare for almost any eventuality.

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Access to Information

We are committed to providing access to information held by Bryte for the exercise or protection of any rights; and to provide for matters connected therewith. Read and download documents detailing The Promotion of Access to Information Act here.

B-BBEE Certificate

Bryte Insurance Company Limited is proud to be a Level 1 Contributor. View and download the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Verification Certificates here.


Bryte is committed to ensuring the privacy and integrity of your information, which is why we have implemented reasonable technical and operational measures to keep your personal information secure. Find out more here.

Complaints Management

Should you have any issues whatsoever regarding the service you receive from us or our partners, we’d like to hear about it so that we can rectify the problem quickly. Please click here to submit your complaint.

FAIS Conflict of Interest

The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS Act) regulates the activities of all financial services providers (FSP) who give advice or provide intermediary services to consumers of certain financial products. Bryte is in full compliance with the FAIS General Code of Conduct. Find out more here.

Other legal information

For legal information regarding Bryte, read and download The Bryte Legal Notices, The Bryte Terms and Conditions, and The Bryte Information Manual here.

Complaints Management

We want to hear from you. 

We value your feedback and welcome the opportunity to address any issues you have regarding the service you receive. In line with our business strategy and the values to which we aspire, we are committed to treating all complaints fairly, thoroughly and promptly. 

How to submit your complaint 

Physical address  
Complaints Officer  
Bryte Insurance Company Limited 
Rosebank Towers, 5th Floor, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank 2196

Website: www.brytesa.com 
Toll-free line for Claims, General and Life complaints: +27 (0) 800 12 11 70 
Email: claims.complaints@brytesa.com
Email: nonclaimscomplaints@brytesa.com 
Email: life.complaints@brytesa.com

Our commitment to resolving your complaint

  • To respond to you within 24 hours or the agreed turnaround time. 
  • To treat you fairly, with sensitivity, respect and courtesy. 
  • To provide feedback and updates throughout the complaint process. 
  • To communicate and interact with you using the communication channel of your choice. 
  • To be professional while demonstrating empathy. 
  • To validate all complaints based on their merits and facts. 
  • To ensure objectivity and disclose and act on conflicts of interest where appropriate. 
  • To ensure that an appropriate remedy is provided, communicated to you timeously, and that action is substantiated in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • To provide all internal and external parties with updates on remedial actions as well as reasons for the decisions made.

Our response times

We will:

  • Acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt. 
  • Attempt to resolve the complaint at First Call Resolution. If we fail to do so, we will refer your complaint to the relevant person for resolution. 
  • Provide you with the name of the person who will handle your complaint until it has been resolved. 
  • Endeavour to resolve your complaint within 10 working days. 
  • Keep you updated, in writing, on progress made while the complaint is under investigation. 

Escalating your complaint

If a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may refer it to the National Financial Ombudsman as follows: 

National Financial Ombud Scheme South Africa NFO (the NFO) 
Johannesburg: 110 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate, Illovo, 2198 
Cape Town: Claremont Central Building, 6th Floor, 6 Vineyard Road, Claremont, 7708 

Telephone: 086 0800 900
Email:           info@nfosa.co.za
Website:      www.nfosa.co.za

Have an issue?

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